Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Finally Eclipse supports JDK7 in Eclipse Indigo 3.7.1

Much awaited release of Eclipse with JDK7 is now over, Eclipse has announce release of version Indigo 3.7.1 which will support JDK7.though I already have downloaded Netbeans with JDK7 support I was eagerly waiting for my favorite java development IDE to comes with java7 support. I am expecting this to support all new java7 features including automatic resource management, string in switch and multiple-cache block in exception handling. You can download the new Eclipse 3.7.1 version from here. You can also update your existing eclipse IDE with new feature from Menu-->Help-->Check for


eclipse with jdk7, eclipse indigo 3.7.1 with java7There is not much in this release except JDK7 feature, no new feature has been introduced which will probably be released in either 3.8 or 4.2. Java community is still embracing JDK7 but sooner or later it will adopt it and my feeling is that it will happen very soon because it contains the similar features which JDK 1.5 was contained though not that significant but still pretty useful for day 2 day work.


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