Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

SQL Query to find all table names on database in MySQL and SQL Server Examples

How do you find names of all tables in a database is a recent  SQL interview questions asked to one of my
friend. There are many ways to find all table names form any database like
MySQL and SQL Server. You can get table names either from
INFORMATION_SCHEMA or sys.tables based upon
whether you are using MySQL or Sql Server database. This is not a popular
question like when
to use truncate and delete
or correlated
vs noncorrelated subquery
which you can expect almost all candidate prepare
well but this is quite common if you are working on any database e.g. MySQL. In
this SQL tutorial we will see examples of getting names of all tables from MySQL
and SQL Server database. In MySQL there are two ways to find names of all
tables, either by using "
show" keyword or
 by query
INFORMATION_SCHEMA. In  case of SQL Server or MSSQL, You can either
sys.tables or INFORMATION_SCHEMA to get all
table names for a database. By the way if you are new in MySQL server and
exploring it , you may find this list of frequently
used MySQL server commands

How to find name of all tables in MySQL

How to find all table in a database SQL Server and MySQL exampleLet's see example of using INFORMATION_SCHEMA  and show keyword to find all table names from MySQL

mysql> SELECT table_name FROM
information_schema.tables WHERE
table_type = 'base




| department |

| employee   |

| role       |

| user       |


4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show tables;


| Tables_in_test |


| department     |

| employee       |

| role           |

| user           |


4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

While working in MySQL
I prefer to use
show tables after
selecting database e.g  
. Compact and intuitive syntax of show keyword makes
it easy to show all table names of
selected database
from just simple query. On the other hand using
INFORMATION_SCHEMA  is more general way and you can even pass name
of database to SELECT

How to find name of all tables in SQL Server

In last section we have seen SQL query to show names of all tables in
MySQL database and now we will see SQL query example for SQL Server database. Here
is example of getting all table names in MSSQL or SQL Server database:


table_name FROM
information_schema.tables WHERE
table_type = 'base

or you can use sys.tables to get all table names from
selected database
as shown in following SQL query


SELECT * FROM sys.tables

That's all on how to find all table names from database in MySQL and SQL
Server. I will update this article if I found similar SQL query for other
database like Oracle, Sybase or PostgreSQL etc. Though I haven't tried
PostgreSQL but I am expecting
show tables to work
there. let me know if any of you guys tried to find names of all tables from
current database in PostgreSQL.


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