Authentication and Authorization is integral part of any Java enterprise
or web application. Since most of the company uses LDAP Active directory for authentication, authorization and Role based access control (RBAC), it's good
to know How to implement Role based
access control using Spring MVC and Spring Security. This is the second
part of my articles on using Spring Security for authentication and
authorization in Spring MVC based Java application. In last part, we have
learned about doing LDAP authentication against Windows
active directory, and in this Spring
Security tutorial, we will learn How to map LDAP groups to authorities for
implementing Role based access control or authorization. If you are developing
an application, whose access is controled by adding user to a particular LDAP
group, then you need a mechanism to load those LDAP group after successful
authentication. Spring Secuirty uses GrantedAuthority class for
holding all roles for a particular user. Based upon these roles, a particular
user can perform certain functionality in your application. For example, a read
only user can only see data, but a user with ADMIN role, can add or remove data
from your application. After implementing Role based access control, you are free
of user management task, those will be taken care by respective team which
manages LDAP groups and access, usually Windows support teams. In this
article, we will all the steps required to map LDAP groups to granted authorities in Spring Security. If you love to read books, than you may want to
check Spring Security 3.1 By Robert Winch,Peter Mularien, a great book, which teaches all good features of
Spring security including LDAP authentication and authorization in great
details. If you are developing secure enterprise application in Java and
considering spring security, this is the one of the best and must read book on
Spring Security.
Steps to Map LDAP groups to Authorities for
Role based Access Control (RBAC)
values like APP_USER, APP_ADMIN
2) Create Authority Mapper which will Map LDAP groups to application
specific authority for example if group in LDAP is "Application Access
(Gn)" than mapping that to APP_USER.
3) If you are authenticating against Active directory than provide your
custom Authority mapper to ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider. After
successful authentication, it will load all the groups for which authenticated
user_id is member of, and map with application specific authority.
4) Use application specific authorities or roles as APP_USER or APP_ADMIN
to secure your URL's by using
<intercept-url pattern="/secure/admin/**" access="hasRole('APP_ADMIN')"/>
<intercept-url pattern="/secure/user/**" access="hasRole('APP_USER')"/>
<intercept-url pattern="/secure/**" access="isAuthenticated()" />
Java code for Mapping LDAP Groups to
Authorities using Spring Security
Here is the Java code, required to map LDAP groups into granted
authorities of Spring Security. We need one class, usually enum to create roles
supported by our application, this must implement GrantedAuthority interface,
which is used to represent role in Spring Security. Now we need a Mapper class
to map LDAP groups into granted authorities, this class must implement GrantedAuthoritiesMapper interface.
We create instance of this class using Spring and provide names of LDAP groups
for mapping with a particular role. For example, if application has two roles USER and ADMIN and LDAP group "Application
User Access (Gn)" is for User and "Application Admin
Access (Gn)" is for Admin, then this information is configured
in Spring configuration file and this authority mapper is provided to LDAP authentication provider. Keeping application role separate from LDAP groups
allows you to cope up with any change in LDAP group name, you just need to
change your spring configuration file.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Set;
* LDAP Authorities mapper, Maps LDAP groups to APP_USER and APP_ADMIN
public class LDAPGrantedAuthoritiesMapper implements GrantedAuthoritiesMapper {
private final String APP_USER ="Ldap User Group"; //default user ldap group
private final String APP_ADMIN ="Ldap Admin Group"; //default adming ldap group
public ADGrantedAuthoritiesMapper(String userGroup, String adminGroup) {
APP_USER = userGroup;
APP_ADMIN = adminGroup;
public Collection mapAuthorities(
final Collection authorities) {
Setroles = EnumSet.noneOf(LDAPAuthority.class); //empty EnumSet
for (GrantedAuthority authority : authorities) {
if (APP_USER.equals(authority.getAuthority())) {
} else if (APP_ADMIN.equals(authority.getAuthority())) {
return roles;
* Maps LDAP Group application roles
public enum LDAPAuthority implements GrantedAuthority{
APP_USER, APP_ADMIN; //roles used in application
public String getAuthority() {
return name();
Spring Security Configuration for Role based
Access and Mapping LDAP groups
As stated above, first configuration is creating an instance of LDAPGrantedAuthoritiesMapper and
mapping LDAP groups to application roles, so that when a user is successfully
authenticated and comes with all LDAP groups, he is member of, those groups
are read and converted into corresponding roles. Second configuration is to
provide this mapper to ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider, this is
similar to our last example of LDAP authentication, except <beans:property
name="authoritiesMapper" ref="ldapAuthoritiesMapper"/>, which is
requite to map LDAP groups to granted authorities for role based access
<beans:bean id="ldapAuthoritiesMapper" class="">
<beans:constructor-arg value="Ldap User Group" />
<beans:constructor-arg value="Ldap Admin Group" />
<beans:bean id="LdapAuthProvider" class="">
<beans:constructor-arg ref="domain" />
<beans:constructor-arg ref="url" />
<beans:property name="convertSubErrorCodesToExceptions" value="true"/>
<beans:property name="authoritiesMapper" ref="ldapAuthoritiesMapper"/> //LDAP authority mapper
<beans:property name="useAuthenticationRequestCredentials" value="true"/>
That's all you need to implement Role based access control on your Spring
MVC, Spring Security based Java web application. Like other features, LDAP
authorization doesn't come out of box from Spring Security and you need to
follow above steps to map LDAP groups to granted authorities.
Spring Security 3.1 By Robert Winch,Peter Mularien is one of the best and must read book on Spring
security. It takes application development approach to teach basics of
enterprise security, LDAP concepts, authentication, authorization and several
other spring security features with non trivial examples.
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