Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

Java Best Practices to Follow while Overloading Method and Constructor

Method overloading in Java needs to be use carefully. Poorly overloaded
method add not only add confusions among developers who use that but also they
are error prone and leaves your program on compiler's mercy to select proper
method. It's best to avoid issues related to method
overloading in Java
by following some Java best practices. For those who
doesn’t know What is method overloading in Java, method overloading means
declaring two method with same name but different method
. This is generally done to create method which operates on
different data types e.g.
System.out.println() which is overloaded to
accept different types of parameters like
String, double, int etc, see this
Java tutorial on method
and static
vs dynamic binding
for more details. By the way all of these Java best
practices which are explained in context of method overloading are equally
applicable to constructor
overloading in Java
, because in terms of overloading method and constructors
are almost same.

Java Best Practices -  Method Overloading

Java best practices for method and constructor overloading in JavaHere are some of the common things which you can remember while
overloading method or constructor
in Java
. These Java best practices are completely based upon experience and
you may have some more to add on this list. let’s see my list of Java best
practices while overloading method in Java.

1) Don't
overload method which accept same number of parameter with similar types

Two overloaded method which accept same number of argument with similar
types i.e. which follow same type
is most common mistake while overloading method  in Java. For example, find out which version
of overloaded method will be invoked in following scenario :

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.List;


 * Java program to demonstrate some best practice to following while

 * method in
Java.This Java program shows a case of confusing method overloading in Java


 * @author Javin Paul


public class
OverloadingTest {


    public static void
main(String args[]){

       List abc = new

       List bcd = new


       ConfusingOverloading co = new ConfusingOverloading();

       co.hasDuplicates(abc); //should call to
ArryList overloaded method

       co.hasDuplicates(bcd); //should call to
LinkedList overloaded method




class ConfusingOverloading{


    public boolean hasDuplicates (List

        System.out.println("overloaded method with Type List ");

        return true;



    public boolean hasDuplicates (ArrayList

        System.out.println("overloaded method with Type ArrayList ");

        return true;




    public boolean hasDuplicates (LinkedList

        System.out.println("overloaded method with Type LinkedList ");

        return true;





overloaded method with Type List

overloaded method with Type List

To surprise of some programmers method with argument type List is called
both the time, instead of expected method which takes ArrayList
and LinkedList,
because method overloading is resolved at compile time using static binding in
Java. This is  also one of the reason,
why its important to clearly understand difference
between method overloading and overriding in Java
. Here expected case is
result of mistaking overloading as overriding, which work on actual object and
happens at runtime. To know more about static and dynamic binding in Java , you
can also see my post difference
between static and dynamic binding in Java

2) Use
radically different types while overloading method in Java

It's completely legal and there is no ambiguity when two overloaded
method accepts radically different types like
String and Integer. Though
both overloaded method will accept only one parameter, it’s still clear which
method is called because both types are completely different to each other. Both
programmer and compiler both know which method will be invoked for a particular
call. One of the example of this kind of overloading is constructor of
java.util.Scanner class
which accepts File,
String as parameter, as shown below :

Scanner(File source)

Scanner(InputStream source)

Scanner(String source)

3) Beware
of Autoboxing while overloading method in Java

Prior to introduction of Autoboxing
and unboxing in Java 5
, method which accept
primitive type and object type were
radically different and it’s clear which method will be invoked. Now with autoboxing
it's really confusing. Clasical example of this kind overloading mistake is ArrayList’s
remove() method,
which is overloaded to accept index as well as Object. when you store
Integer in ArrayList and call remove() method, It’s
hard to find out which
remove() method will be called, as shown
in below example :

List<Integer> numbers = new




System.out.println("numbers: "
+ numbers);

numbers.remove(1); //should remove
"1" as element or 2nd element from ArrayList

System.out.println("numbers: "
+ numbers);


numbers: [1,
2, 3]

numbers: [1,

Many Java programmer expect that Integer(1) object would
 be removed but since
remove() is
overloaded, compiler choose
remove(int) over remove(Object).
Rules of which overloaded method gets chosen in case of autoboxing
is complex and hard to remember, so Its best to avoid two overloaded
where one accept Object and other accept primitive type. If by any
chance you must have to do this then make sure both of them perform identical

Other Java best practices articles from Javarevisited Blog


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