Senin, 14 April 2014

Find all references to a conditional expression

This entry is part of the Conditional Expressions HowTo.

Conditional expressions are one of the most powerful tool in the hand of a skilled TPAE specialist. However, when things get complex it may be hard to track where all custom conditional expression are referenced in your environment. That's why I have spent some minutes developing a small set of SQL queries to list those references from the TPAE database.
First of all, conditional expressions are stored in the CONDITION table. The other tables that has reference to this table are:
Let's look at all these tables one by one.


Conditional Expressions can be used into Application Designer through the 'Configure Conditional Properties' button. These conditions can then be used to set specific properties to a UI control.

SELECT, ctrlgroup.optionname, ctrlgroup.groupname, ctrlcondition.conditionnum
FROM ctrlcondition
JOIN ctrlgroup ON ctrlgroup.ctrlgroupid=ctrlcondition.ctrlgroupid
JOIN condition ON condition.conditionnum=ctrlcondition.conditionnum
WHERE ctrlcondition.conditionnum IS NOT NULL;


Applications SigOptions can be activated upon the evaluation of a Conditional Expression (see Security - Security Groups - Applications)
The following query will list all the SigOption with a bounded conditional expression together with all the applications and groups.

SELECT, a.groupname, a.optionname, a.conditionnum, c.expression, c.type
FROM applicationauth a
JOIN condition c ON a.conditionnum=c.conditionnum
WHERE a.conditionnum IS NOT NULL;

If you are not interested in which group has access to a specific SigOption the following query returns a much shorter list.

SELECT, a.optionname, a.conditionnum, c.description, c.expression, c.type
FROM applicationauth a
JOIN condition c ON a.conditionnum=c.conditionnum
WHERE a.conditionnum IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY, a.optionname, a.conditionnum, c.description, c.expression, c.type;

After having identified the SigOption, you can check the application presentation XML to find the linked control.


Security restrictions can be applied to an object or an attribute and can be linked to a Conditional Expression (see Security - Security Groups - Select Action Menu - Global Data Restrictions)



Conditions can be set on crossover domains (see System Configuration - Platform Configurations - Domains - ALN Domain)

SELECT * FROM maxdomvalcond WHERE conditionnum IS NOT NULL;


Conditions can be set on crossover domains (see System Configuration - Platform Configurations - Domains - Crossover Domain

SELECT * FROM crossoverdomain WHERE conditionnum IS NOT NULL;


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