Sabtu, 12 April 2014

How to hide a field using conditional expressions

This entry is part of the Conditional Expressions HowTo.

In this little tutorial, I will show how to dynamically hide the Total Cost field in the PR Lines tab of the Purchase Requisitions (PR) application for the PRs that are in status APPR. This is just an example and the same configuration can be used to hide or show any field based on a particular condition.

Define conditional expression

Open Administration - Conditional Expression Manager application. Create the following conditional expression.
  • Condition: PRAPPR
  • Description: Status is APPR
  • Expression: :status='APPR'
  • Always Evaluate: true

Configure PR application

Open System configuration - Platform Configuration - Applications Designer application and edit the PR application. Select the Total Cost field in the upper right corner of the PR Lines tab and open the properties window. Click on Configure Conditional Properties button (on TPAE 7.5 it is in the Advanced tab) and configure it as follows.

  • Signature Option: READ 
  • Security Group: EVERYONE
  • Condition for Security Group EVERYONE: PRAPPR
  • Property values when condition PRAPPR is true: Property=display - Value=false

Here is how the Conditional Properties properties should look like.

Save the PR application and open the Purchase Requisition application.
Now for all the PRs in APPR status the Total Cost field in the PR Lines tab will be hidden.


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