Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Producer Consumer Design Pattern with Blocking Queue Example in Java

Producer Consumer Design pattern is a classic concurrency or threading pattern which reduces coupling between

Producer and Consumer by separating Identification of work with Execution of Work. In producer consumer design pattern a shared queue is used to control the flow and this separation allows you to code producer and consumer separately. It also addresses the issue of different timing require to produce item or consuming item. by using producer consumer pattern both Producer and Consumer Thread can work with different speed. In this article we will see What is producer consumer problem which is very popular multi-threading interview question, How to solve producer consumer problem using Blocking Queue and Benefits of using Producer Consumer design pattern.


Real World Example of Producer Consumer Design Pattern

Producer Consumer design pattern BlockingQueue example JavaProducer consumer pattern is every where in real life and depict coordination and collaboration. Like one person is preparing food (Producer) while other one is serving food (Consumer), both will use shared table for putting food plates and taking food plates. Producer which is the person preparing food will wait if table is full and Consumer (Person who is serving food) will wait if table is empty. table is a shared object here. On Java library Executor framework itself implement Producer Consumer design pattern be separating responsibility of addition and execution of task.


Benefit of Producer Consumer Pattern

Its indeed a useful design pattern and used most commonly while writing multi-threaded or concurrent code. here

is few of its benefit:

1) Producer Consumer Pattern simple development. you can Code Producer and Consumer independently and Concurrently, they just need to know shared object.

2) Producer doesn't need to know about who is consumer or how many consumers are there. Same is true with Consumer.

3) Producer and Consumer can work with different speed. There is no risk of Consumer consuming half-baked item.

In fact by monitoring consumer speed one can introduce more consumer for better utilization.

4) Separating producer and Consumer functionality result in more clean, readable and manageable code.


Producer Consumer Problem in Multi-threading

Producer-Consumer Problem is also a popular java interview question where interviewer ask to implement producer consumer design pattern so that Producer should wait if Queue or bucket is full and Consumer should wait if queue or

bucket is empty. This problem can be implemented or solved by different ways in Java, classical way is using wait and notify method to communicate between Producer and Consumer thread and blocking each of them on individual condition like full queue and empty queue. With introduction of BlockingQueue Data Structure in Java 5 Its now much simpler because BlockingQueue provides this control implicitly by introducing blocking methods put() and take(). Now you don't require to use wait and notify to communicate between Producer and Consumer. BlockingQueue put() method will block if Queue is full in case of Bounded Queue and take() will block if Queue is empty. In next section we will see a code example of Producer Consumer design pattern.


Using Blocking Queue to implement Producer Consumer Pattern

BlockingQueue amazingly simplifies implementation of Producer-Consumer design pattern by providing outofbox support of blocking on put() and take(). Developer doesn't need to write confusing and critical piece of wait-notify code to implement communication. BlockingQuue is an interface and Java 5 provides different implantation like ArrayBlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingQueue , both implement FIFO order or elements, while ArrayLinkedQueue is bounded in nature LinkedBlockingQueue is optionally bounded. here is a complete code example of Producer Consumer pattern with BlockingQueue. Compare it with classic wait notify code, its much simpler and easy to understand.

import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;

import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;

import java.util.logging.Level;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class ProducerConsumerPattern {

    public static void main(String args[]){


     //Creating shared object

     BlockingQueue sharedQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue();


     //Creating Producer and Consumer Thread

     Thread prodThread = new Thread(new Producer(sharedQueue));

     Thread consThread = new Thread(new Consumer(sharedQueue));

     //Starting producer and Consumer thread






//Producer Class in java

class Producer implements Runnable {

    private final BlockingQueue sharedQueue;

    public Producer(BlockingQueue sharedQueue) {

        this.sharedQueue = sharedQueue;



    public void run() {

        for(int i=0; i<10; i++){

            try {

                System.out.println("Produced: " + i);


            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

                Logger.getLogger(Producer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);





//Consumer Class in Java

class Consumer implements Runnable{

    private final BlockingQueue sharedQueue;

    public Consumer (BlockingQueue sharedQueue) {

        this.sharedQueue = sharedQueue;




    public void run() {


            try {

                System.out.println("Consumed: "+ sharedQueue.take());

            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

                Logger.getLogger(Consumer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);








Produced: 0

Produced: 1

Consumed: 0

Produced: 2

Consumed: 1

Produced: 3

Consumed: 2

Produced: 4

Consumed: 3

Produced: 5

Consumed: 4

Produced: 6

Consumed: 5

Produced: 7

Consumed: 6

Produced: 8

Consumed: 7

Produced: 9

Consumed: 8

Consumed: 9

You see Producer Thread  produced number and Consumer thread consumes it in FIFO order because blocking queue allows elements to be accessed in FIFO.

That’s all on How to use Blocking Queue to solve Producer Consumer problem or example of Producer consumer design pattern. I am sure its much better than wait notify example but be prepare with both if you are going for any Java Interview as Interview may ask you both way.

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